Many NGOs today are focusing on becoming more competitive by launching competitive strategies that give them an edge over others by developing strategies However; most of the non-government organizations have not been able to implement the strategies as required to gain competitive advantage. The study therefore examines the influence of finance practices on strategy implementation in International Nongovernmental Organizations (INGO’S) in Nairobi, Kenya as the main objective of the study. The four specific finance practices studied included; Resource mobilization and Financing. The study adopted a descriptive research targeting a population of 383 INGOs and a sample survey design was used to collect primary data. The sample comprised of 195 INGOs. The study involved use of questionnaire method to collect data. The data was analysed by use of both qualitative and quantitative methods with the help of Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 22 and Ms Excel. The descriptive and inferential statistics (correlation and regression analysis) was used to show the relationship of the independent variables and dependent variable at 5% level of significance. It was found that Financing and Resource Mobilization significantly and positively influences strategy implementation.
Other finance related challenges highlighted included no segregation of duties, delayed funds from the donors, manual systems, lack of information sharing between program implementing teams and Finance teams, delayed payments to service providers, some staff are not competent/unqualified, forex exchange losses, budget cuts by the donors and delays in approvals. It suggested that further research should be done on the same area but a larger sample should be used, more research should also be done in other sectors like the parastatals and private sector.
Key Words: Resource Mobilization, Financing, Strategy Implementation
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