The purpose of the study is to establish the determinants of implementation of outsourcing practices among manufacturing firms in Kenya. The study sough to be guided by the following specific objectives: To examine how procurement planning influence implementation of outsourcing practices among manufacturing firms in Kenya and to establish how supplier partnership influence implementation of outsourcing practices among manufacturing firms in Kenya. A pilot study was conducted to pretest the validity and reliability of instruments for data collection. Before analyzing the data, responses was edited, coded, entered to SPSS (Version 22) and data cleaned. Quantitative data was analyzed using descriptive statistics and presented through percentages, means, standard deviations and frequencies. The qualitative data was analyzed by use thematic analysis. It was notable that there extisted a strong positive relationship between the indepedent variables and depedent variable. The variables were very significant therefore need to be considered in any effort to improve implementation of outsourcing practices in manufacturing firms in the study area. The study contributes the body of knowledge by examining the determinants of implementation of outsourcing practices in manufacturing firms in Kenya. The implementation of outsourcing practices in manufacturing firms was greatly affected by procurement planning and supplier partnership. The study contributed to the existing literature in the field of procurement by elaborating exiting theories, models and empirical studies on implementation of outsourcing practices in manufacturing firms. The current study should therefore be expanded further in future in order to determine the effect of legal framework, supplier payment, supplier training on procurement performance in manufacturing firms. Existing literature indicated that as a future avenue of research, there was need to undertake similar research in other manufacturing firms in Kenya and other countries in order to establish whether the explored factors can be generalized to affect implementation of outsourcing practices in manufacturing firms.
Key Words: Procurement Planning, Supplier Partnering, Outsourcing, Manufacturing Industries
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