Talent management practice within organization is an international human resource strategy that seeks to identify, develop, deploy and retain talented and high potential employees. Although talent management practice may be applied in Kenyan companies, they can only contribute optimally to business performance if both top management and employees are aligned to its objectives and implementation in the organization. The main objective of the study was to evaluate the impact of talent management on employee performance. The specific objectives of the study were to determine the effect of talent retention on employees’ performance in beverage industry and to assess how talent attraction impacts on the employees’ performance. The study adopted a descriptive research design in which the target population was all the 2,500 employees of Del Monte Kenya. The study used stratified sampling method to select 83 employees according to their job cadres. Data was collected using questionnaires and structured interviews. Descriptive statistics such as the standard deviation, percentages and frequency distribution were used. The study also used inferential statistics mainly the regression analysis to test relationship between the dependent and the independent variables. The finding was presented using tables. The study established that the job retention motivated the employees of Del Monte leading to ultimate performance. The study further established that attraction through attractive packages enhanced the performance of employees of Del Monte. There was clear demonstration that talent management directly influenced employee performance. The study recommended that the management should ensure the work environment was attractive to the employees so as to motivate them, management needs to maintain competitive packages for the employees to retain its most valuable talents for enhanced employee performance, and progression plan in the organization should also be enhanced to improve the morale of employees thus leading to better performance.
Key Words: Talent Management, Employee Performance, Delmonte Kenya Limited
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.61426/sjbcm.v4i3.489
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