Stress is, “physical reaction to prolonged internal and or environmental conditions in which individual’s adaptive capabilities are over extended. In most organizations, employees undergo stress due to factors within and without the work place, which affects their well-being and in turn affects their productivity and performance at the work place. It’s the work of Human resource in the organization to find ways and means of dealing with situation in the organization. The main objective of this study was to establish the effects of job conditions on employees’ performance behavior in Kenya Power. The study reviewed the theoretical foundation focusing on the Demand-control theory as well as the empirical review of the relevant literature which provides better understanding of the concept and its relationship. Descriptive design was used in the study because it ensured complete description of the situation, making sure that there was minimum bias in the collection of data. To ascertain validity, the researcher used content validity which was measured by expert opinions in this case the supervisor reviewed the questionnaires and gave comments on their validity. To ensure the reliability the instrument was pre-tested (piloted) in a small sample of ten to determined soundness, accuracy, clarity and suitability of the research instrument. However, the piloted was not used in the final study. Cronbach’s Coefficient Alpha was also used to test the reliability of the proposed constructs. The study targeted a population of 800 employees of Kenya Power with a sample size of one hundred and twenty respondents from the company. Questionnaires were used to collect data containing mainly closed ended questions to the sample respondents thus ensuring that each respondent received the same set of questions. The data collected was then checked for errors, coded and then analyzed using descriptive statistics with the aid of Scientific Package for Social Studies.
Key Words: Job Conditions, Employee Performance, Kenya Power
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