The proposed study aimed to assess factors influencing education quality in Mogadishu in Somalia. Quality has become the concern of educational policy-makers around the world as the heart of education. The study adopted a descriptive survey design to enable the researcher to collect in-depth information about the population being studied. The population of the study consisted of school heads, teachers, students, education informants from local authority in selected schools in Mogadishu, Somalia. Data was collected by use of questionnaires, interview guide and observations. Pilot study was also used to help assess whether each questionnaire item is useful in answering the research objectives. The findings revealed a significant relationship between the dependent and independent variable as the P-value was less than 0.05 significance level. In addition the R value was 0.7879 indicating that there was a positive relationship between independent and dependent variable. While R was 0.7802 indicating that the independent variable explains 78.02% change on the dependent variable. A high positive linear association was established between learning resources availability, Teaching competence, Curriculum relevance, Education policy framework implying that there was a strong correlation between the variables under study. The study concluded that the Somali being an unstable state both politically and economically, the implementation of education policies that could improve the education sector has not been effective. It was therefore recommended that the government needed to revise the education curriculum of in order to improve the relevance of the curriculum content being taught in the educational institutions the country as a whole. This would not only improve the education sector but also ensure that learners get skills and knowledge that are relevant globally. Finally, the education stakeholders in Somali starting from the national government should implement policies that are focused in improving the education sector. The policy should include equitable funding of schools as well as equipping the schools with adequate resources that are relevant to the learners needs. Policy should also be formulated to ensure that only competent teachers are with relevant qualifications are employed to instruct learners.
Key Terms: Education, Education cluster, Social mobility, Education quality commtitte, Financial lifeline
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.61426/sjbcm.v4i3.497
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