Business environment is characterized by constant changes from the external market forces. For organizations to become effective and hence successful, they should respond appropriately to changes that occur in their environments. Changes have implications which manifest in either opportunities or threats. Opportunities present an opening for improving the organizational performance. The objective of this study was to establish whether strategic responses affect performance of Savings and Credit Cooperative Societies in Kenya’s Nairobi County. The research covered SACCOs that were licensed by SASRA. The target population in this study was all the 38 SACCOs in Nairobi County licensed by SASRA which had total of (228) top managers. The research utilized questionnaires to collect data from the respondents. The study adopted descriptive research design because it gives a detailed description of events, situations and interactions between people and things with minimum bias. The data was analyzed through SPSS. The findings of this study would be useful to management and staff of SACCOs in Nairobi County by providing insights on how the organization can adapt and respond to turbulence in external environment. The organization would adopt strategies that would give it strategic advantage as compared to its competitors and or also change strategic responses which may not be effective. From the findings of this study, there existed a strong positive correlation between cost cutting and performance of SACCO, there was also a strong positive correlation between Market expansion and performance of SACCO. The correlation coefficients for the independent variables were statistically significant. It can therefore be concluded that the SACCOs in Nairobi county needed to consider cost cutting and market expansion for better business performance.
Key Words: Cost Cutting, Market Expansion, Performance, Savings and Credit Co-operative Societies
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