The general objective of this study was to establish the critical success factors influencing completion of public construction project in Machakos County. The specific objectives of the study was to; assess the influence of Project communication and top management support on completion of public construction project in Machakos County. The research study adopted a descriptive survey design. The study focused on the critical success factors influencing completion of public construction project in Machakos County. The target populations for this research was 64 consisting of all 14 technical officers (Engineers, Architects, quantity surveyors) based at the county headquarters, 12 project liaison officers representing each of the 12 departments forming Machakos County government and 30 contractors undertaking government-funded buildings construction projects under the County. The research study adopted a descriptive survey design. According to the findings, there was a positive relationship between two factors and completion of public construction project. The positive relationship indicated that there was a correlation between the factors and the completion of public construction project. Based on the findings, Project communication had the highest influence on completion of public construction project, followed by top management support. With regard to Project communication the study concluded that Project managers should focus on making sure that stakeholders are understood in terms of their communications needs. It also involves determining what communication outputs would be exchanged over the course of the project for example status updates, minutes of meetings, reports on deliverables. Project managers should make careful plans to outline who receives which communications, who is responsible to deliver and respond to communication content, and how and when communications will be delivered. This study recommended that all the project technical team should be trained on all factors that influence successful completion of public construction projects. They should be educated on the key metrics of a successful project. Budget, scope and timelines should be deliberately managed so that a quality project can be realized.
Key Words: Project Communication, Top Management Support, Completion of Public Construction Projects
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