The main objective of the study was to evaluate factors affecting sustainability of public street light development projects in Nairobi County. This being a case study, a descriptive research design was applied where field surveys were carried out. The study was conducted at the Nairobi County offices and the population of interest was the electrical department. The respondents were all the eight engineers, all the twenty five supervisors and technical employees in the electrical section of engineering department. The population also included contractors and community leaders (administrators). Stratified proportionate random sampling technique was used in coming up with a sample of 174 out of the total population of 319. The study utilized both primary and secondary data. Data was analyzed using the Statistical Package for Social Scientists (SPSS), quantitative data was measured in real values by normalizing. The study found that technical longevity and stakeholder involvement/Participation had an influence on sustainability of Public Street light development projects in Nairobi County. The study concluded that technical longevity significantly influenced sustainability of Public street light development projects in Nairobi County. The study further concluded that stakeholder involvement/Participation had a significant effect on sustainability of Public Street light development projects in Nairobi County. The study recommended that management team of Nairobi County Government should consider operation competency when initiating projects of Public street light development. The management team of the Nairobi County should also consider product reliability of the street light since it had a significant effect on the sustainability. The study further recommended that the County Government of Nairobi should form a competent committee comprising all stakeholders with task of determining the project requirements.
Keywords: Technical Longevity, Stakeholder Participation, Sustainability of Public Street Lighting, Nairobi County
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.61426/sjbcm.v4i4.565
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