The study conducted as an attempt to determine the influence of compensation programs on citizenship behavior among employees in KWFT. Specifically the study aimed; to evaluate the influence of guaranteed pay on citizenship behavior among employees in KWFT and to determine the influence of variable pay on citizenship behavior among employees in KWFT. The research design used for the study was a case study. There were 822 employees currently working with the bank. The sampling frame was all the employees who had been permanently employed by KWFT. A sample size of 269 employees was used for this study and respondents were picked using simple random sampling. The study used questionnaires in collecting primary data. The questionnaire comprised of both closed and open-ended questions. SPSS (version 23.0) computer software aided the analysis and this involved the use of frequencies and percentages and means. The results of data analyzed were presented in form of tables that showed numerical values in rows and columns. The study found that employees agreed with the forms of compensation in KWFT and also agreed that basic salary needed to be revised and increased. The study also found that employees agreed that they were satisfied with the forms of compensation in KWFT. The study concluded that taking all independent variables at zero, a unit rise in guaranteed pay influenced citizenship behavior and a unit rise in variable pay influenced citizenship behavior influenced citizenship behavior. This inferred that citizenship behavior was mostly trailed by guaranteed pay and variable pay and services having the least influence. The study recommended that, to ensure organizational citizenship behavior, basic salary needed to be revised and increased, seniority allowances need to be paid to all staff, pay structures needed to be based on individual input, salary needed to match with that of other organizations and competence related allowances need to be introduced in the bank. The study further recommended that better communication and stronger networks should be created in the organization to facilitate accurate information transfer and improve efficiency among employees.
Keywords: Guaranteed Pay, Variable Pay, Citizenship Behavior, Employees in KWFT
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