The constitution of Kenya (2010) introduced a devolved system of governance which entrenches health as a right for every citizen, to the highest attainable, standard of health. It Include the right to reproductive health. Further, it also designates the health services functions of the national and county governments as well as principles under which such services should be provided. Following the first general elections under the constitution of Kenya (2010) and creation of county governments, the need to address the administration, planning and management of health care services in response to the changes became imminent. The aim of this study was to establish the effects of devolution in strategy implementation of health care services. The specific objective was to establish the influence of devolution in strategy implementation of health care services. The study adopted a descriptive and explanatory research design since these tools allow the use of the gathered primary and secondary data. A simple random sampling was used for the study. Population can be defined as “any group of people, or observation, or test in which we happen to be interested (Bell 1997). Embu County has a total of 74 public health facilities; however for this study 24 health facilities were selected. The data obtained was analysed using descriptive and inferential, statistical analysis. The study established that devolution of health care services plays a significant role in implementing the primary health care strategy of increased responsiveness of health systems to local needs. It recommends that county governments should establish an enabling environment that is marked by the will and commitment of all health stakeholders, cogent strategy that addresses well articulated building blocks and a well thought out implementation process.
Key words: Devolution, Health Care Services, Strategy implementation, County Governments.
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