The purpose of this study was to establish the drivers of implementation of family planning projects in Kenya. The scope of this study was limited to 175 family planning projects in Nairobi City County. The design of this research was a descriptive survey research. The study used a structured self-administered questionnaire to collect data from the project managers. Secondary data was obtained from published documents to supplement the primary data. The collected data was analyzed using both quantitative and qualitative data analysis methods. Quantitative method involved descriptive analysis. Data from questionnaire were coded and logged in the computer using Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS). It was notable that there existed strong positive relationship between the independent variables and dependent variable. The variables under the study were very significant and they therefore needed to be considered in any effort to boost implementation of family planning projects in Kenya. Based on the study findings, the study concluded that implementation of family planning projects in Kenya was affected by the independent variables. The project leadership followed by stakeholder involvement were the major factors that mostly affected implementation of family planning projects in Kenya. The current study should therefore be expanded further in future in order to determine other factors that affect the monitoring and evaluation since the study established there could be other variables or other aspects outside the model. Further, the existing literature indicated that as a future avenue of research, there was need to undertake studies in other counties and countries in order to establish whether the explored factors could be generalized to affect implementation of family planning projects.
Keywords: Project Leadership, Stakeholder, Implementation of Family Planning Projects
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