Commercial State Corporations are under pressures from all corners, from reduced government funding to expectations by stakeholders and general public to deliver ever-higher quality services for lower costs. Not to mention to market and competitor rivalry and constant pressure on businesses, giving rise to a necessity to implement innovative tools and techniques, to reduce waste and concentrate on value adding activities.
Enterprise Resource Planning systems are one of the tools that can augment organization performance by aligning their business processes and changing the way organizations carry about processes such as providing Information systems and essential information to enabling apt and better informed decision-making.
The purpose of this study was to examine the influence of Enterprise resource planning systems on organization performance of commercial State Corporations in Kenya which comprised of a literature review to understand the area at hand followed by the use of a descriptive research design where a census of all the 34 commercial state corporations.
The data collected was by use of questionnaires as research instruments and Descriptive and inferential analyses were used to analyze the primary data.
The study established that Enterprise resource planning system implementation has a positive influence on organizational performance and recommends that recommends that State corporations and organizations at large should be on the forefront in implementing and embracing technological advancements such as Enterprise resource planning system implementation as the technological advancements are essential to supporting organizational efficiency.
Keywords: Enterprise Resource Planning, Implementation, Performance, State CorporationsFull Text:
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