The good performance of credit in financial institutions is crucial for the overall success of the organization because they contribute to organizational profitability. The CAMEL model that addresses the Capital adequacy, Asset quality, Management quality, Earnings and Liquidity has been a model that has been adopted to measure performance in financial institutions and the same can be applied in deposit taking SACCO businesses.
The specific objective was to establish the influence of credit information sharing on deposit taking SACCOs.
Since the number of SACCOs in the credit reference bureau sharing platform are few, an explanatory research design was adopted where census method was applied in all the sixty (60) registered with credit reference bureau.
The study established that credit information sharing plays a significant role on performance of the deposit taking Sacco’s and recommends the extension of credit information sharing to all other Sacco’s including non deposit taking.
Key words: credit reference bureau, credit information sharing, capital adequacy, asset quality, management quality, earnings, liquidity, deposit taking
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