The overall objective of the study was to assess the determinants of effective strategy implementation in private hospitals in Mombasa County. The specific objectives of this research were to assess the effect of organizational structure, human resource, resource adequacy and monitoring and evaluation on effective strategy implementation of private hospitals in Mombasa County. A descriptive cross-sectional design was adopted in this study. The study population comprised 11 private hospitals and included top management staff from four randomly selected private hospitals in Mombasa County. The study used a questionnaire to collect primary data. The study established that all the factors were important determinants in the implementation of strategic plans in the private hospitals in Mombasa County. Based on the correlation analysis undertaken, the results showed that there was a positive, moderate weak relationship between organizational structure and human resource as well as with resource adequacy. In addition, there was a positive strong relationship between organizational structure and monitoring and evaluation. The results further indicated that human resource had a positive, moderate weak relationship with resource adequacy and with monitoring and evaluation. The correlation analysis further indicated the presence of a significant positive, strong relationship between resource adequacy and monitoring and evaluation. All these were confirmed to be significant. The study concluded that the private hospitals did not get adequate resources to assist in the implementation of strategic plans. The resources were not also available in good time. The employees also were not well trained in monitoring and evaluation of strategy implementation. The study recommended that the management of the private hospitals should ensure that there are adequate financial resources in order to facilitate strategy implementation. The resources should also be availed in good time to ensure the strategic competitiveness and performance of the health facilities. There is also a need to train the employees on monitoring and evaluation of strategic plans to ensure there is follow up at every stage of strategy implementation.
Keywords: Organizational structure, Human resource, Resource adequacy, Monitoring and evaluation, Effective strategy implementation
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