This study sought to establish the effects of strategic management drivers on organizational performance in the Tourism Sector in Kenya. The study objective where to establish the strategic management drivers in the Tourism industry in Kenya and to establish the effects of strategic management drivers on performance in the Tourism sector in Kenya. Every strategic management driver was recorded against the set variables while quantitative data was analyzed through the use of SPSS version 17 where frequencies of the responses were given. The coded data in the SPSS spread sheet was analyzed using descriptive statistics where frequency, percentages, mean score and standard deviation of the responses was given and then presented inform of tables and charts for easy understanding. The study established that Strategic management drivers had a significant effect on the performance of the Tourism sector in Kenya. The Tourism sector needs to have a clear strategic planning and implementation of strategies that can help improve on the performance of the sector.
Key Words: Strategic management drivers, tourism performance, Kenya
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.61426/sjbcm.v1i2.61
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