This research study aimed at investigating the effect of strategic change on employee job satisfaction at Airtel Kenya Limited. Theoretical and empirical studies were reviewed to assess the effect strategic change on employee satisfaction. The study adopted descriptive research survey; a sample size of 196 employees were taken for the research study, representing that range between 10% and 20% in an adequate sample in a descriptive study. Statistical sampling formulas were used to derive to an adequate sample size, with the statistical assumption that the selection of individuals was random and unbiased of an entire population of 400. Data for the study was collected primarily through semi-structured questionnaire. The study adopted descriptive statistics analytical techniques to analyse the variables, using Statistical Program for Social Sciences (SPSS). Statistical instrument that was used for the research analysis was mainly inferential statistics, specifically correlation matrix and multiple regression analysis. The researcher was to employ the survey strategy for the study. This strategy was proposed because it allowed the collection of a large amount of data from a sizable population in an economical manner. The study employed descriptive statistics method for presenting and summarizing bio-data. Findings were reported in the form of tables and figures and appropriate recommendations given. The findings indicated that strategic change is closely associated with organization performance outcomes and therefore to experience job satisfaction the firm need to ensure proper implementation of strategic change in order to reduce employee turnover, increase productivity, profits and growth. This study was important for further research in this area particularly in Kenya, the findings emphasized the effect of strategic change on job satisfaction which there was little research conducted. Further research would necessitate the need to assess how firm implementation of new strategies impacts job satisfaction. Comparative studies needed to be done to ascertain the degree to which firms in any given industry strategic change affected their performance.
Key Words: Technological Change, Structural Change, Human Resource Policy, Leadership Change, Job Satisfaction
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.61426/sjbcm.v5i1.615
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