The study sought to examine the effect of Peer to peer training on employee performance in State Corporations in Kenya. Despite the importance of peer to peer training to organizations, little systematic studies exist on how it is enabled in firms to improve employee performance. A sample of 126 State Corporations were randomly picked from the target population of 187. The 126 State Corporations formed the unit of analysis. The unit of observation was 126 Human Resource experts or their equivalents drawn from the 126 State Corporations. From 126 respondents, 92 filled the questionnaires and returned translating to a response rate of 73%. The study applied mixed methods research with cross-sectional survey design. To obtain opinions from the respondents, a five-point Likert scale and open ended questions was used. Multiple regression analysis was adopted being a technique of multivariate analysis. The data was analyzed using SPSS (Version 23) and presented by way of means, percentages, standard deviation, tables and figures. Peer to peer training explained 31.4% of the variance in employee performance with 68.6% being explained by other factors not related to peer to peer training. The study recommended that State Corporations should allocate resources to promote peer to peer training activities in order to improve individual employee performance. The general conclusion drawn from the findings was that peer to peer training significantly improves employee performance in State Corporations in Kenya and therefore should be enhanced. The study found that Information Communication Technology does not significantly moderate the relationship between peer to peer training and employee performance.
Key words: Peer to Peer Training, State Corporations, Employee Performance, Firms
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.61426/sjbcm.v5i1.619
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