The general objective of the study was to determine the effect of organization culture in organization productivity in Microfinance Institutions in Kenya. Specifically, this study sought to find out the effect of Collaborative culture, Innovation culture, Hierarchy culture and Competitive culture on organization productivity in Yehu Microfinance Services Limited. Organization culture is one of the key drivers of strategy in every organization and thus the study explored the roles noted above to support the Human Resource Management function as a strategic partner. The study adopted descriptive research design in data collection. A pilot study was conducted using questionnaires administered to selected employees whereby stratified simple random sampling technique was used. The researcher used quantitative data collection method whereby data was gathered using closed ended questionnaires that were self-administered physically or via email. SPPS V24 was used to analyze data collected. The study found out that two independent variables (Collaborative Culture and Competitive Culture) had a positive and significant effect on the organization productivity at YEHU Microfinance services limited with significant value (p) value less than 0.005. Innovation Culture and Hierarchy Culture did not have a significant effect on productivity at Yehu Microfinance Limited with a significant value (p) more than 0.005. The model summary indicated that the R2 was 0.558 implying that 55.8% of organization productivity at YEHU microfinance LTD is attributed by a combination of all the four independent factors studied.
Key Terms: Culture in basic terms, Corporate culture, Organizational Performance
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.61426/sjbcm.v5i2.677
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