The study investigated the effects of competitive strategies on performance of Kenya Women Micro-Finance Bank in Mombasa. Descriptive research design was used to collect data from 34 employees working in the 4 branches in Mombasa. The regression analysis result indicated that focus strategy had the greatest predictive power of the bank’s performance but innovation initiatives had the least predictive power. From these findings conclusions and recommendations were made; one; It was concluded that the bank did not have a clear generic competitive strategy; as such it was recommended that it adopts one strategy and sticks to it. Two; cost leading MFIs records positive performance as such cost cutting measures should be at the heart of all employees for performance conscious firms. Thirdly focus strategy was a powerful predictor of performance, hence prioritizing focus initiatives throughout the firm would enable the MFIs achieve good performance status. The effect of innovation on performance was positive, though not statistically significant. In this regard, it was concluded that innovative efforts adopted by the bank were not effectively producing differentiated products that appeals to customers nor produced services and products at optimal cost. Based on the market theory it was recommended that the bank should come up with innovative programs that considers both industry factors and external market orientation that are critical in producing innovative products and services that are effectively competitive. This will be critical in increasing market base and expansion of number of branches and customers thus creating the much needed jobs in the region. However because of limitations of the current study both in terms of scope and methodology, it was recommended that future studies should be undertaken that consider more similar financial institutions and larger sample sizes to enable the findings to be more representative. Again future studies should consider more variables apart from the competitive strategies considered in this study. This will result in a more comprehensive and practical model of MFIs performance in the region. Such a model will be more valuable and significant to both practitioners and academicians.
Key Terms: Competitive Strategies, Cost Leadership, Differentiation, Focused Strategy, Innovation, Strategic Focus
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.61426/sjbcm.v5i2.679
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