The aim of the study was to examine the factors affecting the implementation of e-procurement at KPA. The Implementation of e-procurement in the public sector has been affected by several factors and it being one of the new technologies, most of these organizations have already taken advantage of the value of e-procurement systems. The overall objective of this study was to examine the factors affecting e-procurement implementation at KPA it being one of the public organizations in Kenya. The study was guided by the following objectives: to establish the effects of the level of technological infrastructure employed on e-procurement implementation at KPA, to establish the extent of management support in the implementation of e-procurement at KPA, to establish the extent to which budgetary allocation affects the implementation of e-procurement at KPA, to establish how staff proficiency in ICT skills affects the implementation of e-procurement at KPA. The research design used in this study was a case study. The target population therefore was; Procurement department staff who are 90 and Finance departments who are 120 and 40 suppliers. The sample size of this study was a total of 201 people; 73 from Procurement being 81% of the total population and 92 from Finance being 77% of the total population, plus 36 prequalified suppliers. Descriptive statistics and factor analysis was used to determine factors affecting implementation of e-procurement at KPA. The researcher found out that the factors discussed hereby greatly affected the implementation of e-procurement at KPA, most members of staff believed that top management support was lacking, the budget allocated was little, most of the members of staff lacked ICT skills and lastly with the level of technology employed, members of staff had mixed reactions depending on one’s level of education. The researcher gave recommendations as follows: the organization should fully equip its human resource with skills necessary to discharge their duties and that management should embrace the full implementation of e-procurement in the organization.
Key terms: Accounting officer, Competitive bidding, Direct procurement, e-procurement, ERP, Procurement, Public Procurement, MRO, Standard tender documents
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.61426/sjbcm.v5i2.681
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