The study sought to determine the influence of human resource factors on employee performance in Kenya Power Ltd Company-Mombasa and was guided by the following theories: Contingency theory, Organization culture theory, Reward attraction theory and Performance regulatory perspective theory. The study adopted a descriptive design with a target population of 126 employees based in Mombasa.96 employees were selected as the sample using Slovin formula. Stratified Random Sampling technique was used to select the respondents of the study. Both primary and secondary data was used for the study. Primary data was collected using structured questionnaires and interview guides. Primary data was analyzed using Statistical Package for Social sciences (SPSS) version 21. Inferential statistics such as regression analysis, correlations, and Analysis of Variance to show the relationship between the independent and dependent variable. Descriptive statistics such as means and standard deviation were conducted to establish relationships. The findings showed that the four independent variables have a significant effect on employee performance in Kenya Power, Mombasa. Organizational Leadership was found to have the strongest effect on employee performance. However, employee reward showed the weakest positive relationship with employee performance. The study therefore recommended that for employees to perform effectively, HR managers should ensure participatory Leadership, and come up with policies that ensure strong harmonized organizational culture, clear cut promotion channels.
Key terms: Human Resource Factors, Organizational, Employee Performance, Organizational Culture, Employee Promotion, Reward
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.61426/sjbcm.v5i2.688
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