The researcher's main aim in this study was to find out the role of organizational socialization on the performance of employees at equity bank in Kenya, this involves explaining the variables under the study which are training and mentoring, in order to identify what role they play on employee performance. The study used quantitative research approach. Quantitative approach includes designs, techniques and measures that produce discreet numerical data. The researcher was therefore interested in information that relates quantitatively to the research. The case study method was selected because it carries out in depth analysis of particular single entity in this case Equity Bank. This study targeted the staff members of Equity Bank in ten branches which have a total of 433 members of staff. The researcher used a stratified random sampling technique to ensure that all the key areas which are located in a major town center Nairobi and those in small urban areas are adequately represented in the study. Data was collected using questionnaires which were administered by the researcher to the respondents who were the staff members of Equity Bank in the selected ten branches. Upon completion of the research the researcher processed and analyzed data using The SPSS tool which was presented in the form of tables for demonstrations pie-charts, percentages and graphs. The study recommends that organizations should emphasize on mentoring newcomers also the study recommends that organizations should emphasize on training this is because the training program plays a major role in how individuals make sense of and adjust to their new job settings.
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