This study aimed to establish the effect of green supply chain management practices on performance of Kenyan Universities. The study used descriptive design. The study targeted six colleges within University of Nairobi with 143 members of staff in the administration department that contributed to the overall performance of the University. The study used census survey to cover the 143 respondents. The study collected primary data. The data was collected through use of a questionnaire. The study carried out a pilot study to pre-test the validity and reliability of data collected using the questionnaire. Data was analyzed using descriptive statistics. The study sought to establish whether reverse logistics, green procurement, green packaging and waste management have a positive influence on performance of the public universities.The findings of the study revealed that reverse logistics is positively related to performance of the University of Nairobi; green procurement is positively related to performance of the University of Nairobi, green packaging is positively related to performance of the University of Nairobi and Waste management system is positively related to performance of the University of Nairobi. The study recommended that the management of Kenyan Universities should encourage proper utilization of materials and recycling of materials. The management of Kenyan Universities should integrate green procurement process in all its purchasing processes since it’s characterized by a low environmental impact that is products environmentally friendly in nature and produced using environmentally friendly processes. The management of Kenyan Universities should purchase products from manufacturers whose design products minimize consumption of materials and energy, that facilitate the reuse, recycle and recovery of component materials as the study found out that green packaging influences supply chain performance to a great extent. The management of Kenyan Universities should invest more in waste management systems as the study found out that waste management systems treats a controls post combustion emissions, treatment and recycle of waste created and allows for use of alternative fuels.
Key terms: Reverse Logistics, Green Procurement, Green Packaging, Waste Management, Public Universities
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.61426/sjbcm.v5i2.690
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