The purpose of this study was to analyze the determinants influencing strategic plan implementation in selected state corporations in Kenya. The targeted state corporations included National Hospital Insurance Fund (NHIF), National Bank of Kenya (NBK), New Kenya Cooperative Creameries (New KCC), Kenyatta University (KU) and Kenya Tea Development Authority (KTDA). The corporations were settled at since they represent all the categories of the state corporations that include financial, commercial and manufacturing, public university, training and research and services and are also robust in their activities hence forming a good study area. The study was grounded on four objectives; to establish the effect of organisational leadership on strategic plan implementation, to determine the effect of organisational structure on strategic plan implementation, to find out the effect of organisational culture on strategic plan implementation and to establish the effect of stakeholders’ engagement on strategic plan implementation. A descriptive research design was adopted by the researcher. The target population comprised of all the 94 head office based employees who are in the management level, from all the targeted corporations. A total sample of 28 respondents were randomly determined from these corporation. In order to obtain the required information from the selected respondent, the study deployed questionnaires as tools for data collection. Data was analyzed both descriptively (through means and standard deviation) and inferentially (through correlation and regression) with the help of SPSS. The findings of the study established that organisational leadership and organisational culture to a very great extent positively impact strategic plan implementation while enhanced stakeholder engagement and organisational structure positively but averagely impact strategic plan implementation. The researcher recommends that the organisations should establish effective leadership structures and also involve their leaders in the process of strategic plan implementation. These structures should however allow for clear allocation of duties and sufficient resources. The corporations need to also consider their culture in the process of strategic plan implementation and keenly identify and involve key stakeholders such as Public and private sectors partners, employees, advocacy groups, board members and executive leaders. The roles of these stakeholders should however be clearly defined.
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