The establishment of counties is a new governance system phenomenon in Kenya’s post-independence era. To many Kenyans, this system presents an opportunity to address the diversity of local needs, choices and constraints while it, at the same time, carries the promise of a more equitable system of sustainable economic growth for the nation. This study endeavored to establish the role of strategy implementation on governance of counties in Kenya. The population of this study was the Forty Seven Counties in Kenya recognized by the Kenyan Constitution promulgated in 2010. A survey research design was adopted. A combination of probabilistic and non-probabilistic sampling techniques was employed in determining the sample size of the study. Stratified sampling was first applied to group the Forty Seven counties into eight geographic regions (strata), equivalent to the defunct eight Kenyan provinces. Once the counties were grouped into strata, eight counties were conveniently selected from which a sample size of Two Hundred and Eleven was determined. Data was collected using questionnaires and interview guides. The study adopted a descriptive research design where SPSS was used to model the relationship between the various selected variables and test there explanatory power. Overall, the study established that strategy implementation played a role in governance of counties in Kenya. Specifically, the study established that resource allocation, strategic leadership, strategic communication and organizational structure made the most positive contribution, among the independent variables investigated, to the change in governance of counties in Kenya. The study recommended that county governance should: embrace sound strategic leadership practices; ensure that there is a well-crafted strategic communication plan; make sure there is strict adherence to resource allocation practices and adoption of good organizational structures as a modern day organizational exercise. The study proposed that a study be conducted after 2022 to investigate other factors including, leadership styles, quality of workforce training, external environment, population and foreign direct investments, among other potential variables.
Key words: County, Decentralization, Devolution, Governance, Strategy, Strategy implementation, Strategic Management, Subsidiarity and Sustainability.
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