Organizational culture is the social glue that bonds people together and makes them feel part of the organizational experience. The level of commitment in an organization can be raised significantly by designing a better organizational culture. The objective of this article was to demonstrate conceptualization and examine various concepts of organizational culture and its impact on the organizational commitment. The paper described one model of the organizational culture as developed by Harrison. It reviewed literature on organizational culture a tool for controlling, motivating and performance enhancement as well as effects of organizational culture on organizational commitment. The paper conducted a systematic review of academic journal articles in Interdisciplinary Journal of Contemporary Research in Business, Cross Cultural Management, Leadership and Organization Development Journal and American Journal of Business and Management from Emerald Insights Springer, Industrial Management Institute and Taylor and Francis. The paper concluded that organizational culture is a contributing factor in determining employee’s organizational commitment, satisfaction which is positively related to employee performance.
Key words: organizational culture, organizational commitment
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