This study explored the effects of funding farmers’ special projects in Kenya. The specific objectives of the study were; farmers training, project investment, farmers welfare and empowerment. This study adopted a mixed research design approach of exploratory, descriptive and quantitative. All the independent variables were anchored on relevant theories under this study. The target population for this study was 189 key officials from the 63 Farmer Field School projects in Kitui County. The study used a census survey to all FFS projects within the county under the study. Sampling techniques were used in this census to technically pick three key people who were assumed to be relevant to this study, since they are involved in one way or the other in decision making on FFS projects. The entire variables in this study were anchored on theories. The Data was collected with the help of instruments which was both structured and semi-structured. Data consisted of both primary and secondary data. Pilot test was done to the instruments to disclose their reliability and validity before the actual collection of data. Data was analyzed with the help of Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 21 and the findings of the study were presented in form of pie charts, graphs, tables and figures. The study found out that training, project investment, welfare of farmers and empowerment had a positive effect on the funding of farmers’ special projects in Kitui, Kenya. The study therefore recommended that farmers should be encouraged to take loans as this has a great impact in their welfare and the projects should be introduced in other counties throughout Kenya.
Key Terms: Farmers Training, Project Investment, Farmers Welfare, Empowerment
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.61426/sjbcm.v5i2.715
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