This research study aimed at establishing the effect of stakeholder participation on the efficiency of the procurement process in the public sector. The specific objectives of the study were to establish the influence of user involvement on the efficiency of the procurement process in the public sector, to determine the effect of top management support on stakeholders participation on the procurement process in the public sector and to assess the influence of stakeholder interaction on stakeholders participation on the efficiency of the procurement process in the public sector and they were based on the stakeholders’ theory, consumer-involvement theory and principal-agency theory. This study is significant to the public sector managers, future researchers, public sector employees and procurement officers. The research used descriptive survey research design in collecting data from respondents. The study covered a population of 160 employees in the institution and used probability random sampling technique with a sample size of 48 employees. The instrument of data collection was questionnaires. The data was analyzed using quantitative methods and the data presentation was in form of pie charts and table diagrams. The findings were that there is no user involvement in the procurement process meaning that there is some dissatisfaction with the procurement process, top management does not support stakeholder participation in the procurement process and there is minimal stakeholder interaction as the procurement process is carried out. It was concluded that sensitization of stakeholders on the importance of the procurement process and it was recommended that the stakeholders need to be included to improve the efficiency of the procurement process.
Key Words: User Involvement, Top Management, Stakeholder Interaction, Stakeholders Participation
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