The purpose of this research was to establish the influence of e-procurement practices on the performance of procurement in public universities in Kenya. A census research design was adopted in this study. The target population in this study was 31 public universities chartered by the Commission on University Education (CUE) as at July 2017. Statistical package for social science (version 20) was used to facilitate data analysis. It was established that e-tendering, e-sourcing and e-ordering positively and significantly affect procurement performance while e-payment has a positive but not significant effect on procurement performance. However, all the four e-procurement practices were adapted to a moderate extent among the public universities in Kenya. The study recommended that since adoption of e-sourcing positively and significantly affected procurement performance among public universities in Kenya, there was need for the public institutions to adopt the least practiced e-sourcing practices such as e-RFX and e-contracting to a great extent in order to reduce the transaction costs and speed up the procurement process. It was also recommended that since adoption of e-tendering positively and significantly affected procurement performance among public universities in Kenya, there was need for the public institutions to adopt the least practiced e-tendering practices such as e-awarding in order to reduce the transaction costs and speed up the procurement process. It was also recommended that since adoption of e-ordering positively and significantly affected procurement performance among public universities in Kenya, there was need for the public institutions to adopt the least practiced e-ordering practices such as e-requisition and e-receipting in order to reduce the transaction costs and speed up the procurement process. The study also recommended that since adoption of e-payment practices such as internet payments and e-cards were not practiced to a great extent in the public sector, there was perhaps a need to adopt those e-payments practices to a great extent and see their effect on procurement performance so as to enhance flexibility in payment options.
Key Words: e-sourcing, e-tendering, e-ordering, e-payments, Procurement Performance
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