The purpose of the study was to examine influence of quality management in supply chain performance in food manufacturing companies Nairobi county, Kenya. The study was to establish how customer focus, continuous improvement, lean management and quality planning affect the supply chain performance. The theories that were used were Demming’s theory, Lean theory, Taguchi’s theory, crossby’s theory Feigenbaum theory and ishikawa theory. The study used descriptive research design and the focus was 34 food manufacturing firms in Nairobi County. The unit of observation was senior procurement officer one supervisor in each selected firm and one sores manager. The study used census survey design with respect to unit of analysis which was to be the most applicable because the population was small. The target population was 102 staff in the Procurement department of food manufacturing companies in Nairobi county Kenya for the 34 selected companies. The stratified sampling design was to guide the study in obtaining the sample size of 34 selected firms. The data was collected through use of semi-administrated questionnaires. The data was analyzed using statistical package for social sciences (SPSS) Version 21.0 which was the computer software for analysis. The study concluded and found that customers and suppliers were the keys stakeholders in the success of supply chain. There should be continuous improvement and innovations in the products and services to ensure that they meet the standards and specifications of the supply chain and the market in general. Lean manufacturing should be utilized in public sector, particularly the county governments where a lot of wastage has been experienced. The County government should come up with strategies to ensure that their supply chain and their performance are better than in other counties. The study found that management was supportive of some of the quality management practices which was encouraging. The management in this county had a responsibility of implementing quality management in supply chain to improve on its performance.
Key Words: Customer Focus, Continuous Improvement, Lean Management, Quality Planning
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