This study examined the influence of project management on sustainability of water and sanitation projects in Kibra Sub county in Nairobi County, Kenya; focusing on financial resources, stakeholder’s participation, monitoring and evaluation, and project tools and technique as the study’s specific objectives. The research adopted a descriptive research design and the target population of the study were 413 beneficiaries within the water project. Simple random sampling techniques was used to select the sample population and Krejcie morgana formula were used to determine the study sample size of 201 respondents. Pilot study was done to determine the validity and reliability of the data collection instruments. To test reliability, the Cronbach’s Alpha Test was conducted on all measures for the independent and dependent variables with a threshold of 0.7. To establish the validity of the research instruments, the researcher sought opinion from the experts in the field of study especially the researcher’s supervisor and lecturers. Questionnaires and interview schedule were used for data collection. Data collected were coded and analyzed by IBM statistical package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 23. The study established that a careful financial management strategy was likely to guarantee the success of water projects in the slums. Besides, there was minimal stakeholders’ participation in the implementation of water and sanitation projects hence no sense of ownership of the project. Furthermore, through proper techniques on forecasting, there was proper planning and approximation cost of the project. Besides, regular monitoring of the project and efforts to ensure that the monitoring and evaluation was as good as the project plan. There was therefore need for proper channel of resource mobilization for projects and a proper funding schedule to facilitate the completion of the water project. Also, stakeholders need to be involved in all the projects processes decision making, the mission, vision and objectives of the project. In addition, it is crucial for water projects to have a proper technique on forecasting project activities. Finally, to enhance transparency and accountability of project resources, it is important to have monitoring and evaluation.
Key Words: Financial Resources, Stakeholder’s Participation, Monitoring And Evaluation, Project Tools And Techniques
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