The main purpose of this research project was to analyse the effect of change management on perceived employee performance in Africa Inland Child and Community Agency in Nairobi, Kenya. Today government and private institutions are facing many challenges in many areas of operation, this is mainly due to stiff competition and lack of change or even failing to implement change if at all change has been introduced. Rapid environmental changes, competition to provide innovative products and services, changing customer and investor demands and globalization have become the standard backdrop for firms. To compete effectively, organizations must constantly improve their performance by reducing costs, enhancing quality, and differentiating their products and services. The study sought to establish the effect of organizational communication on perceived employee performance in Africa Inland Child and Community Agency for Development and to analyze the effect of organizational leadership on perceived employee performance in Africa Inland Child and Community Agency for Development. The study adopted a descriptive research design and the target population was 76 employees of Africa Inland Child and Community Agency for Development. The study was a census survey and thus involved all the 76 employees of Africa Inland Child and Community Agency. The study found that organizational communication affects perceived employee performance in in Africa Inland Child and Community Agency for Development. Effective communication in the organization ensures ideas and information are conveyed. Employees with high quality relationship with the leader practice a better job performance and satisfaction than those with low quality relationship. Leadership style plays an important role in motivating subordinates to achieve the higher goals. The study recommended that employees in the organization should always be engaged in participatory meetings to encourage the employees to give inputs and share ideas. The leaders should at all times lead the organization throughout the change processes for effective change management.
Key words; organizational communication, organizational leadership, perceived employee performance
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.61426/sjbcm.v5i2.775
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