This study aimed at evaluating the agricultural sector NGO’s in Nairobi, Kenya, using an exploratory research design and quantitative analysis to establish the effects of Human Resource Management strategies on employee retention. The study targeted members of Management of the Agricultural NGO’s in Nairobi City County thus, the target population of the study was one hundred and twenty eight (128) management employees. Standardized questionnaires were used in collecting the primary data. Both descriptive and inferential statistics were adopted for the study. The salary paid did not commensurate to the work and did not make the employees feel fully appreciated for their work and effort. The job neither made good use of the employees’ skills and abilities nor did it give employees fulfillment and satisfaction. The employees were not provided with all the necessary resources and apparatus they needed in order to do their work correctly. There was lack of knowledge and information sharing, across the whole organization. Seminars and workshops were not used regularly to increase the staff competencies in the organization. Job shadowing was not used to required skills to grow into a particular career path neither was it commonly used to allow staff to acquire exposure into the different career options. The contracts in the organization were inflexible to keep the organization responsive against any fluctuations in demand. The study recommended that the employers should provide good salaries to avoid subjecting employees to financial constraints while giving them remuneration that does not correspond to their duties. The employers should look for the right leaders who would value the contribution of employees and actively emphasize their improvement. There is need for the provision of professional training, coaching and mentoring, in order to increase the opportunities for career growth within the organization. The organization should increase permanent contracts as opposed to temporary contracts and also describe employee behaviour at the end of the contract.
Key Words: Employee Compensation, Employee Contracts, Career Growth Opportunities, Employee Engagement
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.61426/sjbcm.v5i2.777
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