The main aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of stress management strategies on employees’ performance. Various literatures and theories from different scholars regarding stress management strategies were reviewed. Descriptive research design was adopted. The target population comprised of seven hundred thousand (700,000) respondents from the Public Service with a sample size of four hundred (400). Random sampling techniques was used in selecting a sample size from 21 ministries within the Public Service. Questionnaires method was used as data collection instrument which was self-administered. The data was analyzed using Statistical Package for Social Scientists (SPSS) version 20 and the output presented using tables and graphs. Multiple linear regression model to study the relationship between Stress Management Strategies and employees’ performance was used. Descriptive Statistics included frequencies distribution tables and percentages to present and interpret data. The study would benefit the Human Resource Personnel in Public Service in making strategic decisions relating to formulation of stress management strategies. The Government ministries would also use the results from the study to review policies to incorporate stress management measures. The study would also be of importance to academicians and scholars as it would provide reference materials for future research. From the findings of the analysis of the study, all variables studied indicated a significant effect on employees’ performance of Public Service, explained by a 91.1% variation. The regression model also indicated that there was a positive relationship between employees’ performance and the factor variables studies of relaxation techniques and counselling services. The study recommended that the Management of the organization under study should create awareness to the employees to enable them be aware of utilization of stress management strategies available in the organization that can result in improved performance.
Key Word: Counselling Services Strategy, Flextime Programmes, Meditation Techniques, Relaxation Techniques
Full Text:
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.61426/sjbcm.v5i2.779
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