The objective of this study was to establish the Influence of Citizen Participation on the performance of Makueni County. The study adopted Simple random and purposive research design and the researcher targeted 530 respondents from the county. The sample size for the study was 530 respondents. This comprised of Makueni County Ministries, The Public service board, constituencies, Sub-county wards. For the 10 County Ministries, 10 respondents were sampled from each ministry. These included the Ministry of Water, irrigation and Environment services, Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries, Education and ICT. Others were the ministry of Finance and Social – Economic Planning, Health services, Lands, Mining and physical planning, Roads, Transport and Infrastructure, Ministry of Trade, Industry, Tourism and Co-operatives and the ministry of Youth, Gender, sports and social services. For the Public service board, a sample of 5 respondents was selected for the study. For the 6 constituencies, a sample of 100 citizens was selected for the study. The constituencies included Kaiti, Kibwezi East, Kilome, Makueni, Mbooni and Kibwezi West constituencies. For the Six sub-counties of Makueni, Mbooni, Kaiti, Kibwezi East, Kibwezi West and Kilome a sample of 10 respondents from each sub-county ward was interviewed. The quantitative data was analyzed by using descriptive statistics which included frequency distribution tables and measures of central tendency (the mean), measures of variability (standard deviation) and measures of relative frequencies. The inferential statistics included a regression model which established the relationship between variables. Data was analyzed by the use of a statistical software SPSS.
Key Words: E-Participation, E-Petition, Localism, Civic Education Structures, Information Dissemination mechanisms, Makueni County Government
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