Knowledge, both explicit and tacit, is critical for any organisation to thrive and achieve its goals and objectives. Organisations should aim to strategically employ knowledge to enhance their performance. This study looked into knowledge acquisition and knowledge repository as knowledge Management practices at the Ministry of Lands and Physical Planning in Kenya and their effect on the performance of the organisation. The study was guided by two specific objectives which were to determine the effect of knowledge acquisition on the organisations performance and to assess the effect of knowledge repository on the organisations performance. The study employed a mixed research design of descriptive and explanatory designs. A sample size of 135 employees was selected using stratified sampling procedure from a population of 1345 employees of the Ministry of Lands and Physical Planning Headquarters. Primary data was collected by use of a semi-structured questionnaire. The study used descriptive and inferential statistics aided by Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) tool. The study established that knowledge acquisition and knowledge repository influence the performance of the Ministry of Lands and Physical Planning. The study recommended the creation of an office to take charge of Knowledge Management. The management should be committed in creating a strong and positive culture that will result in improved performance. Technology should be used to ensure that people in multiple locations for instance the diverse offices for the Ministry of Lands and Physical Planning learn from and access information as individuals or as a group from single or diverse sources at different points in time.
Key words: knowledge, knowledge management, knowledge acquisition, knowledge repository, organisational performance.
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