Public road transport sector in Kenya is experiencing deteriorating performance associated with increased cases of road accidents, poor service delivery, periodical strikes of public road transport sector Sacco’s and slow rate of implementation National Transport and Safety Authority (NTSA) regulations. The study aimed to establish the influence of strategic leadership on performance of Savings and Credit Co-operative Societies in the Public Road Transport in Kenya. Further, the moderating effect of environmental analysis on the relationship between strategic leadership and performance of Sacco’s in the public road transport in Kenya was tested. Positivist paradigm and adopted descriptive research design was used. The target population was 475 Public Road Transport Sacco’s operating in Kenya as per National Transport and Safety Authority report of 2015. Stratified random sampling method was adopted to choose 189. Respondents were selected from large, medium and small public Road Transport Sacco’s operating in Kenya. Managers of public road transport Sacco’s were the respondents of the study. Structured questionnaires were used to collect primary data. Secondary data was collected from internal reports of Sacco’s such as strategic plans and other reports. Data was analyzed quantitatively and tabulated using descriptive statistics. Regression and correlation analysis, were conducted to established statistical relationship between strategic leadership on performance of Sacco’s in the Public Road Transport Sector in Kenya. The study concluded that unless Sacco’s dedicate their effort in strategic leadership achieving competitive advantage would be an uphill task. The study recommended that the Ministry of Transport should establish an institute that equips managers of public road transport sector Sacco’s with formal knowledge on development, implementation and evaluation of strategies.
Key Word: Strategic Leadership, Organization Performance
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