To ensure survival and sustainability in the water sector, the regulatory board has to adopt competitive strategies. The study employed explanatory research design and descriptive survey design. The target population was all employees of the board. A sample size of 118 respondents was used. Primary and secondary data was gathered from various authoritative sources including books, published articles, and on-line journals. Well formulated questionnaire was the main tool used in the collection of the data required in the study; primary data. Responses in the questionnaire were thereafter tabulated, coded and processed by use of Statistical Package for Social Sciences and Microsoft excel, which was used to generate the statistical outputs. Descriptive statistics and inferential statistics were used to draw conclusions. In addition, multiple regression analysis was conducted to establish the relationship between performance and teamwork. The findings were then presented in tables and charts. The study found out that teamwork has a significant effect on performance in organizations. In the dynamic business environment many organizations find the use of teams efficient and productive.
Key words: Teamwork, Synergies, Competency, Interpersonal skills
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.61426/sjbcm.v5i3.799
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