The general purpose of the study was to investigate the effect of total quality management practices on customer satisfaction in institutions of higher learning. The specific objectives were to examine the effect of customer focus and management commitment on customer satisfaction in institutions of higher learning in Kenya. The findings were expected to be significant to all the stakeholders of higher learning institutions. The target population comprised of the undergraduate students pursuing Bachelor of Commerce in the Private and Public Universities. The scope of the study targeted selected universities in Nairobi County with a focus of KCA University and University of Nairobi. The study used a descriptive research design. The unit of analysis in this study was registered Bachelor of Commerce degree students in University of Nairobi and KCA University. The study was based on primary data. The data was collected through a semi – structured questionnaires targeting full time and part time degree students in the two universities. The study found customer focus to take the lead as the most significant variable for customer satisfaction. The analysis indicated that the study variables were predictors of customer satisfaction. The study concluded that the two independent variables of the study should be considered in the decision making of the institutions of higher learning with more emphasis on customer focus. The study recommended that higher learning institutions should strive to focus on the conformance to customer requirements and continuous improvement in order to gain customer satisfaction.
Key Words: Customer Focus, Management Commitment, Customer Satisfaction
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