In-service training is important for teachers to face new challenges and changes in the education world. In-service training is also a fundamental aspect to improve teacher professionalism. The effectiveness of in-service training is important so that teachers can apply the knowledge acquired in teaching and learning. This research project attempted to assess the effect of in-service training on performance of teachers specifically at public secondary schools in Eastleigh Zone, Nairobi County. The study’s specific objectives were to identify the effect of training needs on performance of teachers and to examine the strategies used in conducting in-service training and their effects on performance of teachers in public secondary schools in Eastleigh Zone, Nairobi County. The teachers’ performance was measured using the Balanced Score Card and other perceptual measures such as managerial performance, customer service orientation, productivity and work quality. The study adopted descriptive research design. All 144 teachers were considered in the study hence census survey. The instruments used in the study were a questionnaire and an observation checklist. Reliability test was carried out using Parallel Forms model. Descriptive statistics were employed in the study. The study found out that there was significant effect of in-service teachers’ training on teachers’ performance as stated by majority of the respondents in the study. 70.3% agreed that training needs affected teachers’ performance; and 100% agreed that the training strategies affected teachers’ performance. The practical contribution of this study has been to encourage teachers to attend in-service programs which are perceived to be comprehensive pedagogical professional training that lead to Teacher Professional Certificate so as to be licensed to practice in Kenyan schools undertaking the Kenya Institute of Curriculum Development curriculum. The study recommended that the Government should ensure that the implementation of adequate and well planned in-service training programs for teachers at all levels of the educational system in Kenya takes place as anticipated.
Key Words; In-Service Teachers’ Training, Training Needs Analysis, Training Strategies and Performance of Teachers
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.61426/sjbcm.v5i3.809
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