The main objective of this study was to assess the influence of leadership on performance of non-governmental organizations in Kenya: A Case Study of CARE FOR HIV/AIDS ORGANIZATION. To achieve this, the study was guided by two specific objectives: to establish the influence of leadership styles on performance and to determine the influence of leadership competency on performance. The study adopted a descriptive research design using primary data collected through a structured questionnaire. The population for this study was all the 108 employees at Care for HIV/AIDS Organization. The study concluded that CFA leaders take charge of situations in the organization as they arise to avoid procrastination and delay of events. Managers had the final say on decision implementation in the organization. Managers possessed the right academic qualifications to deliver on the mission of CFA organization. Managers had adequate management experience on issues concerning CFA operations. The study recommended that CFA leaders should take charge on situations in the organization as they arise. The leader’s beliefs should be in line with the vision of CFA organization. Managers should possess the right academic qualifications to deliver on the mission of CFA organization.
Keywords: Leadership Styles, Competency, HIV/AIDS Organizations
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