This study analyzed some of the factors influencing strategic plan implementation in public level four hospitals in Nakuru County Kenya. The influences of strategic plan implementation were conceptualized in terms of organizational structure, communication systems, resource allocation and human resource management. The study was based on two theories namely; Neo-Taylorism Theory and Stakeholder Theory of Management and used a descriptive research design to evaluate and describe the relationships between the dependent and independent variables. A pilot study was done at Evans Sunrise Hospital using five questionnaires to test and enhance the reliability and validity of the research instrument. A Cronbach’s alpha with threshold α = 0.78 was considered appropriate for the study. The researcher used structured questionnaires to collect data from all 86 heads of departments in all the 7 public level four hospitals in Nakuru County. Descriptive statistics were used to describe the findings and the results presented using frequency tables and in prose. The study revealed strong and positive correlation between each of the explanatory and the explained variables. In particular, the study findings revealed strong, positive and statistically significant relationship between the independent variables (Organizational Structure, Communication System, Resource Allocation and Human Resources Management) and the dependent variable (Strategic Plan Implementation) in Public Level Four Hospitals in Nakuru County, Kenya. In conclusion, the study established that organizational structure, an enabling communication system and appropriate resource allocation are key to strategy execution in the entire public health sector and provision of quality healthcare. The study thus recommended more reinforced organizational structure within public hospitals with enhanced resources allocation and further suggested the creation of a more enabling communication environment to enable the stakeholders collaborate towards attaining the set standards more effectively.
Keywords: organizational structure, communication systems, resource allocation, human resource management
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