The study aimed at establishing the contribution of stakeholder management to the sustainability of community based tourism in the coast region of Kenya. The target population were members of community based tourism in Kwale, Mombasa, and Kilifi Counties in Kenya. Stratified random sampling method was used during the study and the respondents were selected using random balloting. Structured questionnaires and documented literature were used as the main tools for both primary and secondary data collection. From the study findings, it was established that stakeholder management had a positive relationship with sustainability of community based tourism. The variables were normally distributed and hence no significant differences at 95% confidence level. The study also established that stakeholder management had a strong linear relationship with sustainability of community based tourism. With proper stakeholder management, community based tourism are able to enhance their sustainability options. The study recommended structured involvement of stakeholders in project formulation, implementation, and evaluation is one way of managing them and ensuring a strong relationship that contributes to project success. Community based tourism units should also build networks within the community and outside the community to facilitate exchange of information and participation and hence bring about sustainable community based tourism
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