Public Private Partnership (PPP) is an increasingly popular model for implementing important public projects. The study specifically aimed to show how partnership governance, and regulatory environment, affected the performance of PPP in healthcare projects via a case study of Ministry of Health headquaters, Nairobi. The study utilized a descriptive survey approach whereby a sample size of 46 respondents, comprising technical officers and heads of units with experience in PPPH projects was purposively selected. Primary data was collected using a standardized Questionnaire. Three (3) officers from the private sectors entities that have often been engaged in PPP projects with the ministry were also included in the sample for the purpose of providing objective opinion.
Response rate of 95.65% (44 out of 46) was recorded and from this was sufficient for data analysis. Descriptive statistics was analyze data by way of percentages, frequency count and modes. A statistical packages for social sciences (SPSS) was also used to analyse data both the qualitative and quantitative data. On gender distribution, the result shows that among the 18 repondents (40.9 %) were males while 26 (59.1%) were females. Relating to the age distribution of the respondents, the majority of the respodents were in the age bracket of 30 to 39 years. Academic qualifications of the respondents showed that the majority of the respodents were barchelors degrees holders, accounting for 54.55% (24) while masters degree and doctorate (PhD) holders were 14 (31.82%) and 6 (13.64%) of the repondents respectively. Another information pertained the respondents’ years of service at MOH. It was also established that the 11-15 years bracket had the majority of the repondents with 14 (31.82%). Another A22.73% had worked from 6 to 10 years at the ministry. Those with 16-20 years and 5 and below years bracket contituted an equal number of 8 (18.18%) while only 4 (9.10%) had worked for over 20 years. The study also identified some of the PPP project partners who have been involved with the MOH in the last few year. Accordingly the PPP partners mentioned included among other, USAID, WHO, The Kenya Red Cross Society, The Global Fund and World Vision, were the top five private partner named by the respodents. The major the fields in which PPP projects had been recently implemented by the ministry and partners were the cited as: HIV/AIDS (18,2%); Nutrition and food supplementation (11.36); Training and capacity building (15.9%); Family planning (6.8%); and Maternal and child health. Others areas mentioned were; anti-Malaria campaign, reproductive health, TB,Water and sanitation, Emergency response, Health sector reforms, Health infrastructure development, Health information and Social marketing; and, Research. The researcher also sought responses about the challenges facing PPP projects. These results indicate that partinership governace and regulatory environment are among the top challenges affecting PPP projects at MoH, followed closely by project funding. On PPP governance (68.2%) believe that the ministry has strong governance for PPP programs. Most of the repondent (79.1%) also agreed that the ministry is committed to PPP projects goals. The regulatory environment was described to have; weak regulation, tedious procurement process, ambinguity of rules, and rigid rules.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.61426/sjbcm.v2i1.84
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