Organizations of all types are faced with the imperative to perform in a manner that is satisfactory to their stakeholders. Drawing from the resource based view of the firm, human resource is a crucial strategic resource necessary for achievement of this performance objectives hence the need for organizations to effectively recruit staff who, when employed, will contribute to the realization of organizational goals. This notwithstanding, there is scarce empirical literature on the relationship between recruitment and performance of organization. The main purpose of this study was to establish the relationship between staff recruitment (internal and external) and performance of county governments in Kenya from the perspective of the citizen who sought service from the governments. A cross sectional survey of 141 human resource staff drawn from each of the 47 county service boards (three from each board) and 235 customers (citizens), five from each county, was conducted using structured questionnaires to collet primary data. Both descriptive and inferential statistical analyses were done and the results reported in tables. This study found that recruitment practices have no significant (p>0.1) relationship with performance. These findings contributed to the understanding of the relationship between recruitment and performance of counties which can aid in formulation of appropriate policies to ensure supply of appropriate staff for the counties.
Keywords: Internal Recruitment, External Recruitment, Performance of County Governments in Kenya
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