The purpose of this research was to understand the effects of the implementation of BSC as a manager in an organisation. The study identified two research questions; whether resource allocation and managerial skills are factors which influence implementation of BSC. In KWS the balance scorecard was incorporated in Strategic Plan 2005-2010 to improve on performance and more so to assist in its implementation. A thorough scrutiny of data to ensure the validity and reliability of data collected. Inferential statistics was used for further analysis. The researcher used questionnaires in collection of data. The research found that 66 percent of the respondents agreed that availability of resources influences BSC implementation while 66 percent of them agreed that managerial skills affect BSC implementation. Research recommendations were that incorporating trainings and setting aside resources for future Balanced Scorecard implementation in KWS in order to overcome the potential barriers and to ensure its beneficial use. The areas to be included for further research are factors impacting on implementation of BSC in an organization from the ordinary staff perspective, to establish whether BSC management tool has been overtaken by event in an organization performance and other factors other than those investigated should further be researched. The recommendations can be used in helping organizations not just KWS but also in other Government organisations. By using this study different organization using BSC initiatives can beef up employees and organizational productivity and profitability.
Keywords: Resource Allocation, Managerial Skills, Balance Scorecard
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