The purpose of this study was to find out the determinants of enterprise resource planning partial implementation in the public sector in Kenya: a case of the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection. The study was guided by the following specific objectives: to determine the influence of top management support on partial implementation of enterprise resource planning in the public sector in Kenya and to establish the influence of staff competence on partial implementation of enterprise resource planning in the public sector in Kenya. The population of the study comprised departments at the Ministry of Labour and social protection involved with ERP implementation. These departments included Finance, Procurement, Information Technology, Audit and Business Development departments. The target population was all employees working in the named departments. On average, there were approximately 100 employees working in each department. Therefore, the study population comprised of 500 employees. The study employed the stratified purposive sampling technique to select the sample. From the target population of 500, 30% (150) was studied. The study collected primary data using a structured questionnaire. Data was analyzed with the help of the statistical package for the social sciences (SPSS). The study found that the two independent variables (top management support and staff competency) had a great influence on ERP system partial implementation. The two variables were found to influence 70.9% of the ERP system partial implementation. The study recommended that the ministry management must strive to improve employees’ knowledge and provide good leadership during the project implementation.
Keywords: Top Management Support, Staff Competence, Enterprise Resource Planning
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