The aim of this study was to investigate sound records management in Nairobi City County (N.C.C) in enhancing service delivery with the intention of making recommendations. The study adopted the descriptive research design. The target population of the study included all the 22 records clerks in the various departments of Nairobi City County as well as the records manager. A census approach was used to select all the 22 records clerks staff while purposive sampling technique was used to select the records manager. The results of the study established that generally, the respondents perceived that their knowledge was good based on their professional educational training. However, they had had no in-house training on records management. It was revealed that both manual and electronic formats were used in the storage of records at N.C.C and the manual format was the most dominant. In addition, the study also found that in as much as there were some records that were being captured, stored and retrieved through use of ICTs, the N.C.C top management had no goodwill, commitment and support the use of ICTs in records management function. It was also established although N.C.C has a records management policy, it was rarely complied with and there was no mechanism in place to monitor the staffs’ compliance with it. The policy has also not been reviewed since its formulation. The records management personnel were competent based on their knowledge and skills on records management. The study also concluded that the top management of N.C.C did not have the good will to facilitate full adoption of ICTs in the records management functions. The study recommended that the records manager should establish a mechanism through which the records management policy could be complied with by the personnel. The study also recommended that the top management of N.C.C should have the good will, commitment and support to ensure that digitization and automation of records management activities.
Key Terms: Professional Knowledge and Skills, Storage Formats, Records Management
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