The main objective of the study was to find out the influence of enterprise resource planning system in supply chain performance in Pension Fund Nairobi County, Kenya. Its specific objectives were to establish the role of distribution requirement planning, demand planning system, inventory scheduling system and supplier scheduling system on supply chain performance in Nairobi County, Kenya. The study used descriptive research design and the focused was on Pension Fund in Nairobi County. The unit of observation was Procurement Manager, Logistics Manager and Logistics Manager. The study used census survey design. The target population of respondents was 106 employees from different departments in County Pension Fund. The stratified sampling design was used to guide the study in obtaining the sample size of the selected departments. The data was collected through use of semi-administrated questionnaires. The data was analyzed using statistical package for social sciences (SPSS) Version 21.0 which was the computer software for analysis. The study concluded and found that inventory scheduling system and supplier scheduling system are the main contributors to supply chain performance in County Pension Fund. The departments engaging in the system enables the use of product formulations and replenishment algorithms which has added value to production of the firm hence allowing it to enhance its competitiveness. The study recommended that the management should come up with effective policy framework and policy measures to help in guiding the implementation of demand planning system in the firm. This would enable a rapid growth and development of the firm in terms of service delivery, reduction of cost and easy decision making hence, enhancing performance.
Keywords: Distribution Requirement Planning, Demand Planning System, Inventory Scheduling System, Supplier Scheduling System, Supply Chain Performance
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