This study aimed at investigating the Effect of Library Services on the User Satisfaction at Pwani University Library. This research was guided by the value expectancy theory (VET) that was proposed by Martin Fishbein in 1970. The research design employed in this study was mixed methods. The key informants for the study were the library staff. The population of this study comprised of lecturers and students of Pwani University. This study used both probability and non-probability sampling techniques namely stratified sampling, simple random sampling, purposive as well as convenience sampling. The study sample comprised of 265 study participants. Data was collected using questionnaires and interview schedule. Data was analyzed descriptively using Statistical Package Social Sciences version 22. Qualitative data was analyzed and presented thematically. The study findings indicated that all services offered at Pwani Library had positive effect on user satisfaction. Using regression analysis, the coefficient of determination, the R2, was 0.400 indicating a 40% of variance attributed to effect of services offered and user satisfaction at Pwani University Library. The study therefore concluded that library should always focus on user satisfaction, have all essential services under respective sections and departments, understand the need of its users and measure their level of satisfaction and have quality and adequate information materials both in print and soft. The study further concluded that libraries should always provide strategies and way forward to improve its services at all time and make sure that the users are satisfied. The study recommended the following that Library should develop an information marketing strategy to create awareness about library resources and services among students and research scholars, Infrastructure resources should be enhanced for proper utilization of e-resources and services in the library, that management of Pwani University library should seek audience with the academic staff on what the library should provide and that Pwani University library management should organize in-house training for staff to further improve the quality of their services.
Key terms: Acquisition of Information Materials, Information Materials, Library User Satisfaction
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.61426/sjbcm.v5i3.869
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